

So, I was washing dishes, and got to thinking, I've been doing this for how long? I cringe when think about how old I am now... I hate to even say the forty part, it sounds foreign to my own ears... when in the world did I get to be "forty-something"?

I guess my own children should be a good indicator of my own age... my oldest is 20, my middle is 18 and my youngest is 12. I mean, I can't be 30-something and have a daughter twenty now can I? Well, I guess I could, but that would mean that I wasn't the oh-so-good girl that I was. :) HA HA HA.

Seriously though, does everyone have these issues with being in their 40's? Does everyone wonder where the time has gone to? I don't know. So, anyway, I decided that I wanted to start writing down some of this stuff that happens in my life so I can remember it when I'm old! Hopefully I'll remember to do it!